This is what the good life looks like!! From the start I was drawn in, this made me so anxious to see the movie. Truth be told I'm not a snob, I am not particular about CGI. True, I'd like it to look better then something "made for TV" but other than that I'm no stickler in that regard. I see nothing wrong with how it looks, it gave me chills, the whole bit. I literally got misty eyed. Only a few films have me so emotionally invested. Guardias though??? at the end was so beautiful!!! May 4th cannot come fast enough!!!
I am a film buff or lover if you will, facinated by all things cinematic. Film chose me, I didn't choose film.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Avengers: infinity War (official trailer)
This is what the good life looks like!! From the start I was drawn in, this made me so anxious to see the movie. Truth be told I'm not a snob, I am not particular about CGI. True, I'd like it to look better then something "made for TV" but other than that I'm no stickler in that regard. I see nothing wrong with how it looks, it gave me chills, the whole bit. I literally got misty eyed. Only a few films have me so emotionally invested. Guardias though??? at the end was so beautiful!!! May 4th cannot come fast enough!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Avengers: Infinity War Trailer 11.29.17
Infinity War trailer will premier tomorrow on GoodMorning America!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! We as MCU fans have waited a long while for this!! Excuse me while I get a little emotionally involved with the trailer!!!
Monday, November 27, 2017
Murder on The Orient Express
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
Written by: Michael Green
Gross Revenue: $196 mil
From beginning to end this was spectacular. From the dialogue, to the off train shots, to the cinematography. I am deeply in love with a magnificent period piece, Murder on The Orient Express was no exception. The cast was phenomenal and I've never read the novel, but it felt like a good mystery book on screen. I just loved it, it had a feel to it that made it seem more classic than modern and that was a good treat.
I am not understanding the whole "boring" bit, its a mystery not a action/suspense/ thriller I never once got that vibe from the trailers. There's no way anyone should have went into this with any type of action or thrill seeking expectations. Looking at the trailers would let you know straight off, thats not what this was about. You ever played the game Clue?? Yea, its kinda like that....
I need more of this, more art, more depth, for some crazy reason the filmmaking industry are scared of films like this. The box office wants nothing to do with them, everyone is so concerned with the next dollar made and daily numbers. The mainstream film world is congested with the next big CBM or the next cinematic universe. When did become we so concerned with the tone of a film rather than what it made us feel?? I love big budgets just as much as the next person, but films like Murder on The Orient Express really makes my passion for cinema burn. For a film that was released between thor & justice league I believe it didn't do too bad!
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Anticipated Return of 007
So there is some great little bit of news in the Bond Universe, that I am a little happy to hear. MGM is close to making a domestic deal with Annapurna for Bond 25 this week, and I am here for it! For those who don't know, Annapurna is a little known production company who's made some ripples in the movie world. The makings behind movies such as, Zero dark 30 and American Hustle. They've most recently dipped their toe into distribution waters with Detroit, which did reasonably well. This deal in my opinion could turn this companies world upside down, in such an amazing way.
The ball is moving smoothly and I'm hoping it stays that way. Daniel Craig is fully on board with the final draft of his contract to be signed by the end of the week. November 8th 2019 is the release date and as we al know that could be pushed forward or back, no date is set in stone. Although no director has been selected the three contenders are Yann Demange (’71), Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049), and David Mackenzie (Hell or High Water). I'm hoping it will be David Mackenzie I love Hell or High Water, it was a amazing and his style just cant be beat. 2 years is quite a while to start my Bond posts but I really need this to start moving. We need to erase Spectre from our memory, or maybe just I do. That was no way to close Bond and I felt we all needed another go at it. So I am very thrilled this is headed in that direction.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Written by: Matthew Vaughn & Jane Goldman
Gross Revenue: $310 mil
I'm so upset that I have to write this review, because I am a huge Kingsman fan and I still watch the first one at least twice a month. Sad, is the only word I can to describe how I'm feeling at this moment. Seriously, when I say I was excited for this movie I mean it. I had the Kingsman as my wallpaper for a good 2 months. I am not going to sugar coat it, I went in with extremely high expectations and that was my mistake. I wanted to fall in love with this as much as I did the first but oh man, that so didn't happen. Who knows w what happened with Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman, they wrote such an amazing story the first time it was close to perfect. The dialogue was great and the story? Even better, the golden circle seems like it was written by someone else, it didn't have the same energetic feel the first had.
For one, the promotion made it seem like the new cast was going to be incredible and that wasn't the case. Channing Tatum could have been a non mention cameo, hell Jeff Bridges was seen all of maybe three times and Halle Barry? Well she sat the entire film. Not to mention, in my opinion eggsy got diluted, he wasn't as bad ass as he was in the first and harry? We all know how disappointing that was. The villain was horribly weak, and I love Julianne Moore, but that was not a good choice for an antagonist role. Elton John had more of a part than any of the newly promoted cast members!!! The one saving grace this movie had was the unbelievably amazing fight scenes that you come to expect with a Kingsman movie.
The last and final pet peeve I have with the movie is the ending, that was a hot dumpster fire and I absolutely loathed it....... A wedding??? Really Matthew Vaughn? And Merlin, was that necessary???!!! I know it seems I hated it judging by my complaints but I didn't hate it, I was.......amused by it. I really, really hope the next (if it happens) is better than this huge misstep.
A Quiet Place
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Directed by: John Krasinski Written by: John Krasinski · Bryan Woods · Scott Beck Gross Revenue: $154 mil ...

So there is some great little bit of news in the Bond Universe, that I am a little happy to hear. MGM is close to making a ...
🌟🌟🌟🌟 Directed by: Ridley Scott Written by: Hampton Fancher, David Peoples Gross Revenue:...
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Directed by: Kenneth Branagh Written by: Michael Green Gross Revenue:...